The logo is the smallest representation of our brand and company.
The square with the triangle from the wordmark is an abstract representation of turning a page.
Please use the logos as provided on the brand drive and refrain from modifying any of their parts in size, ratio, shape, or color.
Scroll down for more examples of how to use the Foleon logo properly and consistently.
Use the full logo whenever possible

The two logo parts (symbol and wordmark) always remain connected in this way.

In the case of a favicon in a browser or a sidebar within the editor, the symbol can be used separately.
Coexistence, size and clear space
The minimum clear space around the Foleon logo corresponds to 1/2 of the Foleon square height.
This area should be free of content and color other than the four primary Foleon colors.
The width of the logo should be at least 150 pixels. Whitespace included, that makes 180 pixels.

The Foleon Logo is preferably placed in the top-left corner of the expression. In some cases, like the navigation or footer blocks, the logo can be center-aligned.

Positive and diapositive
The logo can be used both positive and diapositive depending on the color of the background.
The logo always uses our dark blue primary color.
An exception can be made if the logo is placed on a dark background such as red, dark blue, a dark visual, or a shape.

Foleon Academy logo
In some cases, additions to the logo are needed, like with the Foleon Academy.
With the creation of a sub-brand, we keep it as simple as possible in order to maximize recognizability.

Foleon + Other logos
In some cases, the Foleon logo might be combined with a partner or prospect logo. In this case, always apply the same color as the Foleon logo to the other logo.
The Foleon logo must be the first one in the hierarchy, whether it’s horizontally or vertically sorted.
