The Foleon colors are an important part of our brand.
Our colors are strong and powerful. Therefore, they need to be used and combined carefully.
Below, it's explained how to use the colors with the right proportion and how to combine them together.
Primary colors
Dark blue
PMS 2758 CMYK 100 / 91 / 37 / 150 RGB 0 / 26 / 69 HTML #001a45
CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 RGB 255 / 255 / 255 HTML #ffffff26
Accent color
PMS 485 CMYK 1 / 100 / 100 /0 RGB 235 / 0 / 0 HTML #eb0000
Secondary colors
Light blue
PMS 2925 CMYK 85 / 21 / 0 / 0 RGB 0 / 176 / 255 HTML #00b0ff
PMS 2587 CMYK 58 / 76 / 0 / 0 RGB 145 / 0 / 219 HTML #9100db
PMS 144 CMYK 0 / 51 / 100 / 0 RGB 255 / 156 / 0 HTML #ff9c00
PMS 361 CMYK 77 / 0 / 100 / 0 RGB 0 / 173 / 0 HTML #00ad00
How to use the dark blue:
If you need to create any visualizations, this is the color that you use the most.
The dark blue is the most dominant brand colour.
It is used in our:
- Typography
- Background color for all our assets – website sections, Foleon Doc blocks etc.
- In the shapes system
- Product visualizations
- Icons
- Foleon people portraits

How to use the white:
White is our second dominant brand color.
It is used in our:
- Typography on dark backgrounds
- Backgrounds
- Website sections
- In the shapes system in combination with our secondary colours
- Buttons
- Product visualizations
- Icons

In some cases, a darker version of the white may be needed.
It is used in our:
- Backgrounds on Foleon Docs, presentations, website sections, and social media assets.

How to use the secondary colors
Secondary colours are quite prominent and, therefore should be used with caution.
We combine them only with the white and dark blue, not with each other. This is to avoid feeling overwhelmed and not having enough accessibility.
All colors can be applied in smaller quantities on: CTAs
- Icons
- Foleon people portraits
- Product visualizations


- Don’t create covers, headers, quotes, any type of backgrounds, or icon backgrounds with the accent color red or secondary colors.

- Don't use red for shapes. Red is only for CTAs, links, icons and people portraits.

- Don’t place red on dark blue. It’s too difficult to read.

- Never mix two color backgrounds in a cover, unless it’s for a background shape.

- Don't use the secondary colour for the full-text box. You may highlight only one word in a title.

- Don’t place white on grey or vice versa.

- Don't use more than 3 colors in total (white included) on the same page.