General weights
Headings and quotes: Proxima Nova Extra Bold
Small headings and side quotes: Proxima Nova bold
Paragraph text: Proxima Nova Normal
Text alignment
As a general rule, text should mainly be left-aligned or centered-aligned, and not hyphenated at the end of a line.
Text color
Heading typography always uses our dark blue or white.
Sometimes we may want to emphasize a particular word in our content. You can highlight one word from the title.

Text readability
Average Sentence Length: Aim for 15 words per sentence or fewer for optimal readability.
Too long lines with too many words make it harder for the eyes to read. To maintain readability, focus on sentences that have a maximum of 15 words.
Two-column layouts are the best solution for achieving optimal body text column widths. If that is not practical and using only one column is necessary, then be sure to use large side margins to bring the line length as close as possible to 15 words or less.
Aim for 15 words per sentence or fewer for optimal readability.

Two column layouts are the best solution.

Visual examples


- Never align text to the right or justify it. Text is always aligned to the left or centered.

- Don’t use capitalized or all caps text (unless it’s an acronym).